At FedBucks, we understand the importance of learning from people’s experiences and we welcome all feedback about our services.
Whether you had a positive experience, or have identified an opportunity for us to improve, or have any general comments, we want to hear from you.
Feedback can be provided to us in three ways:
- By post – Information Governance Manager (please include the name of the service i.e. Urgent Treatment Centre) D1 Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Bucks, HP27 9LE
- By phone – 0300 033 9842 (Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00) and you will be put through to the relevant Service Manager
- By email – [email protected]
Please note, our mailbox is only monitored during normal office hours – if you have any queries regarding appointment times that relate to Out of Hours services please call NHS 111.
At FedBucks we take patient satisfaction very seriously. We view all compliments or complaints constructively to enable us to constantly improve our service to you.
If you are at all unsatisfied with the treatment you have received from our service, please ask to speak to a member of staff either in clinic or by calling our office on 0300 033 9842. We will endeavour to help as quickly as possible to ensure a satisfactory outcome is reached.
You should make your complaint within 12 months of the incident or within 12 months of the matter coming to your attention. This time limit can on occasion be extended as long as it is still possible to investigate your complaint. Anyone can complain on your behalf including: young people; a family member; carer; friend; or your local MP as long as they have your permission.
If you prefer not to contact us directly
Contact the commissioner of the service: this is the organisation that paid for the care you received. Within Buckinghamshire, this is NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board. Complaining to the commissioner may be the right option if you are not comfortable complaining direct to FedBucks or if you feel this is not appropriate.
If you feel you would like some assistance in making your comments or complaint, you can contact The Advocacy People who run a free NHS complaints advocacy service.
The Advocacy People are an independent charity that provides free, independent and confidential advocacy services. There is information on their website at:
Or they can be contacted on 0330 440 9000, [email protected] or text PEOPLE to 80800 followed by your message.
As all patients have a right to confidentiality, if a complaint is received on behalf of a patient, the patient will be contacted and asked to sign a consent form. If a patient is under the age of 16, their representative (e.g. parent) will be asked to sign the consent form. Where a patient lacks capacity to give their consent, or where a patient has passed away we will contact the patient’s relative, carer or friend to discuss consent options.