Our mission and vision

Patients are at the heart of everything we do, and we pride ourselves in our purpose when enabling excellent patient care and supporting general practice.

As a GP Federation, our mission is to develop health and wellbeing services with the needs of patients and practices at its core, that complement and build on our current services that deliver tangible benefit to our residents, members and local healthcare community. Our vision is to be a brilliant place to work and trusted to provide remarkable, innovative healthcare services

Our values and behaviours define who we are as an organisation, and the sort of workplace that we want to be.



Business Stability & Growth

We will aim to be the Urgent and Primary care provider and system partner of choice, ready to meet local challenges, ensuring excellent value, resilience, efficiency and economic stability.

Building a brilliant place to work 

We will build a high performing work environment and have a committed skilled and highly engaged workforce who feel valued, supported, and developed, to work together for the patients and the organisation

Providing remarkable, innovative healthcare 

We will be recognised for sector leading quality and service performance, with excellent patient outcomes, resilient and innovative services that support systems and patients to be treated and cared for in the most appropriate setting.