FedBucks is a member organisation of the Buckinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (Bucks ICP), alongside the following local health and social care partners:
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT)
- Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
- South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB)
- Buckinghamshire County Council
Our role within the Bucks ICP is to represent our member practices and champion primary when working with our system partners in the development of local healthcare services.
FedBucks is also a member of the Buckinghamshire Provider Collaborative, which was formed to build relationships between local provider organisations to deliver integrated care in the county. Our positive working relationship with Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust has been key in our delivery of services from the Urgent Treatment Centre at Wycombe hospital, and is one example of how system partners have worked together through the sharing of resources and experiences to deliver joined up, seamless health care to our patient population.
Most recently, we have worked with Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust (BHT) and BOB ICB in the development of an offer to newly formed Primary Care Networks (PCNs) across the county to support them in the recruitment of their respective Clinical Pharmacist, in line with the requirements of their new contractual frameworks.
We are also working in collaboration with the Bucks Charitable Alliance (comprising Carers Bucks, Connection Support and Buckinghamshire Mind) to support PCNs in the recruitment of their respective Social Prescribing Link Worker, which is another key contractual requirement for PCNs.
We are delighted to be working with eight Primary Care Networks across Buckinghamshire, and providing practical back office support to them as their GP Federation as they establish their legal, financial governance and HR frameworks. The PCNs that we are working with, in varying degrees of support in this regard are:
- ARC Network
- Aylesbury Central
- Phoenix Health
- Cygnet PCN
- Dashwood
- Maple PCN
- Mid Chiltern
- South Bucks