The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) is a GP led service. It is staffed by a GP and Advanced Practitioners. The service is open seven days a week between 08:00 – 20:00. The UTC offers an appointment system via 111 which can be accessed online or via telephone, as well as a walk in service.
If you have life threatening symptoms please call 999.
The UTC aim to see and treat all patients within 4 hours of arrival. For those that have attended with an appointment booked via 111 we aim to see you within 30 minutes of your appointment time. Please ensure you arrive in time for your appointment to avoid any delays in being seen.
There are several services at the Wycombe UTC site, including UTC injury and illness patients, the Out of Hours service and primary care clinics. Due to these multiple services, it may appear that you are being seen out of turn, but this will not be the case with the exception of any emergencies.
Parking is available at the Urgent Treatment Centre and parking charges will apply in the hospital car park.
Staff are at the core of our service. Without our committed teams of doctors, nurses and support staff we could not deliver the excellent healthcare services that our patients expect. We therefore ask that all staff are always respected. Abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated.
We would ask you not to call the Urgent Treatment Centre for waiting times.